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Postgraduate success

Postgraduate success

Congratulations to Chris Puli’uvea who successfully defended his PhD thesis. His thesis was entitled, “The Immuno-metabolic Effects of Unique Māori and Pacific Gene Variants”. He was supervised by Professor Peter Shepherd and Associate Professor Troy...
Blood pressure and links to dementia

Blood pressure and links to dementia

Professor Julian Paton was invited to speak on Radio New Zealand on 12 November 2023. Mr Jim Mora interviewed him. High blood pressure has become a focus of attention in many quarters. The condition affects one-third of adult New Zealanders and disproportionately more...
Cranwell medal

Cranwell medal

From left: Dr Natalie Netzler and Chris Puli’uvea This year’s Cranwell medal is awarded to Dr Natalie Netzler (Ngāti Ruanui, Ngāti Hāuā) and Chris Puli’uvea, early career researchers who stepped up when they saw a need for clear, culturally appropriate communication...
Staff success

Staff success

Dr Fiona McBryde has been elected as the New Zealand representative on the Federation of the Asian and Oceanian Physiological Societies (FAOPS) at the recent FAOPS meeting in Daegu, Korea. Congratulations also to Associate Professor Rohit Ramchandra, Associate...
The Biomedical Science Honours Symposium 2023

The Biomedical Science Honours Symposium 2023

From left: Associate Professor Justin Dean, Hannah Caulton, Stian Thomson, Kate Pennycuick and Professor Paul Donaldson The Biomedical Science Honours Symposium was held on 25 October 2023. The symposium was a day of research presentations by students in the Bachelor...
Helen Goodwin Doctoral scholarship

Helen Goodwin Doctoral scholarship

Sryana Sukdev from the Department of Physiology has been awarded the Helen Goodwin Doctoral Scholarship from the Auckland Medical Research Foundation. This prestigious award is worth $149k over three years, and covers a doctoral stipend, tuition fees, research costs,...