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School of Medical Sciences

Keep up to date with all the latest news and information from the School of Medical Sciences.

Dear Colleagues,

In an effort to deliver school news to you in a more timely manner, we have been busy behind the scenes developing a new platform for our internal newsletter.

This new format will allow you to check in and access news whenever you have time, as we will be updating content as it comes to hand. I hope you enjoy this new look and I look forward to conveying my message more regularly.

The message for this newsletter is one of thanks. Firstly thank you to all staff who contributed to the School Review. The verbal feedback from the Review Panel has very complimentary and positive with the panel identifying a number of areas for action around teaching and learning and research direction. The issuing of a written report is the next step in the process and once the report is accepted we will need to develop and submit a plan to the Faculty on how the School will address the issues raised in the report.

Secondly, a personal thank you to some individual staff members.

To Gillian Nicholson – thank you for your two years as our Group Services Manager. Gillian was appointed on a fixed term contract to cover the secondment of Stuart Glasson to the role of Faculty FAR Transition Manager. Gillian has done a great job over the last two years in keeping the Schools of Medical Sciences and Pharmacy running post the FAR process.

To our retiring Professors Louise Nicholson, Martin Wild and Merv Merrilees – thank you for your accumulated 90 odd years of service to the Department of Anatomy, School, Faculty and University. You will all be missed but I on behalf of the School I would like to wish you all well for this exciting new stage of your lives.

Professor Paul Donaldson
Head of School


Postgraduate success

Postgraduate success

Congratulations to Yadi Chen and Mridula Pachen from the Department of Physiology.

New PhD students

New PhD students

We welcome Aim Mills and Alice Little our new PhD students.

New staff

New staff

A warm welcome to Estee Vermeulen, Department of Physiology.

High-impact papers

High-impact papers

The journal paper ‘Magnetic Resonance in Medicine’ amplified MRI, was selected as one of the Editor’s Picks for the September edition of Magnetic Resonance in Imaging. The paper was a collaboration between a number of institutions, led by Dr Samantha Holdsworth...