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From left: Yadi Chen and Mridula Pachen

Congratulations to Yadi Chen and Mridula Pachen from the Department of Physiology. They have successfully defended their thesis.

Yadi has been awarded a place on the Dean’s List in recognition of excellence achieved with her PhD thesis. This award is made to only a few recipients each year from the large number of doctoral students completing their theses. She is supervised by Professor Paul Donaldson and co-supervised by Dr Eshan Vaghefi. Her thesis title is, ‘Pharmacological Regulation of Water Transport and its Effects on Physiological Optics in the Bovine Lens.’

Mridula is supervised by Dr Rohit Ramchandra and  Dr Carolyn Barrett. Her thesis is titled, ‘Autonomic control of coronary blood flow in control and heart failure ovine models.’