PhD success
Hannah Darroch name has been placed on the Dean of Graduate Studies List
Professor Emeritus Janusz Lipski
Professor Janusz Lipski has been made ‘Professor Emeritus’ by the University Senate.
Academic promotions
Congratulations to all staff who were promoted in this year’s promotion round.
Success in the department of Anatomy and Medical Imaging
The talented and hardworking Medical Imaging students have been approved to be registered as Medical Imaging Technologists with the Medical Radiation Technologists Board.
New PhD student
Harvey Walsh has recently arrived from the UK to join the Department of Physiology to undertake his doctoral studies.
AMRF grants achieved
Congratulating staff and their teams who have been successful in achieving AMRF grants.
School of Medical Sciences Doctoral Publication Excellence Prize 2021
Congratulations to Igor Felippe and Taylor Stevenson who have been awarded the SMS Doctoral Publication Excellence Prize 2021 and best Doctoral Publication Prize for their Department.
AMRF Sir Douglas Goodfellow Repatriation Fellowship
Dr Emma Nolan has won a three-year AMRF Sir Douglas Goodfellow Repatriation Fellowship.
Australian Institute of Nuclear Science and Engineering (AINSE) Honorary Fellowship
Professor Bob Anderson has been awarded an Australian Institute of Nuclear Science and Engineering (AINSE) Honorary Fellowship.