New staff
Dr Ally Choi joined Dr Maggie Kalev-Zylinska’s lab as a research fellow in the Department of Molecular Medicine and Pathology.
Postgraduate success
Connor Clemett, completed his PhD oral and did an excellent job of defending his thesis.
2022 Pacific Channel Women in STEM Commercialisation award
Please join me in congratulating Dr Anna Ponnampalam, who is the inaugural recipient of the 2022 Pacific Channel Women in STEM Commercialisation award.
Staff success
Congratulation to the below Academic staff who have been promoted.
ACODE-TEL 2022 award
The FMHS H5P community of practice received a highly commended ACODE-TEL 2022 award.
Stuart Glasson Special Achievement Award
Congratulations to Anthony Davies and Lisa Wong from the Department of Physiology.
Staff success
Congratulations to Dr Kelly Zhou on her success at the Summit Conference for her Decode Science 2nd Place Research Presentation Award.
Staff appointment
It is a pleasure to inform you that Dr Andrea Doubleday has been appointed/transferred to the Senior Lecturer scale from her current role as a PTF.
Marsden grant success
Congratulations to Dr Kim Mellor (PI), Dr Lea Delbridge, Dr Gus Grey and Assoc Prof Troy Merry from the Department of Physiology for receiving a Marsden grant!