Research Developments

Research Developments

Congratulations to the staff who have been awarded grants! The University of Auckland/Strategic Research Initiative Fund – Genomics Into Medicine Stefan Bohlander, Molecular Medicine & Pathology Trio Whole Exome Sequencing: Diagnosis and Gene Discovery of...
Staff who have left

Staff who have left

We farewell with regret Dr Jackie Kendall and Mr Dan Li who were working at Auckland Cancer Research Centre. In her 15 years with us,Dr Jackie Kendall has worked on many different projects focused around PI3K inhibitors and always stood out for her highly innovative...
Postgraduate News

Postgraduate News

Image: Amy Chapman and Tania Fawke Congratulations to the students who have completed their research degrees. PhD Amy Chapman successfully defended her thesis ‘Optimising the derivation of mature neurons from adult human induced neural precursor cells using in vitro...


Image: Left to right – Gary Cheng, Tom Li, Bridget Tsai Dr Gus Grey has been appointed as the new Director of BIRU, replacing Dr Sue McGlashan who has moved to a new role. Dr Gus Grey is a Senior Research Fellow in the Department of Physiology. He studied at the...
Staff News

Staff News

FSCMR – Fellow of the Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance: Recognising your hard work and dedication to the CMR field.  Congratulations to Professor Alistair Young from the department of Anatomy and Medical Imaging who is recognised for his dedication...