by vmor016 | Jan 28, 2020 | SMS
Milena Samora a PhD student, was recently selected for a Research Recognition Award from the Neural Control and Autonomic Regulation section of the American Physiological Association. Melina is a Brazilian ‘sandwich’ PhD student supervised by A/Prof James Fisher in...
by vmor016 | Jan 21, 2020 | SMS
Professor Julian Paton and his team have published two Nature Communications papers over the last two months both of which have received a lot of media attention. The two papers are listed below with a short summary. Abu-Hassan K, Taylor JD, Morris PG, Donati E,...
by vmor016 | Jan 15, 2020 | SMS
Dr Amy McCaughey-Chapman has been awarded a two-year post-doctoral fellowship by the Catwalk Foundation. Amy is a member of the Neural Reprogramming and Repair Group. She obtained her PhD in 2018 in the field of direct cell reprogramming and has continued her research...
by vmor016 | Jan 15, 2020 | SMS
Image of zsGreen labelled human striatal neurons generated by direct cell reprogramming examined 8 weeks after transplantation into a rat model of Huntington’s disease. Green cells = human striatal neurons; red cells = rat striatal neurons; blue cells = nuclear stain....
by vmor016 | Jan 14, 2020 | SMS
Rhea Desai, Sarvenaz Taghavi, Jessica Chase, Martin Chopra, Jenny Chien, Peter Browett, Purvi Kakadia and Stefan Bohlander from the Leukaemia and Blood Cancer Research Unit published a paper in the journal ‘Leukemia’, a Nature publishing group journal and the #2...
by vmor016 | Jan 14, 2020 | SMS
From left: Kar Yan Soh and Sam Blanchett Congratulations Kar Yan Soh and Sam Blanchett who successfully defended their theses. Kar Yan Soh had her oral PhD examination last month. Her thesis is entitled ‘Functional Analysis of Streptococcal Virulence Factors using a...