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Grants success

Grants success

From left: Dr Audrys Pauza, Dr Igor Simoes Assuncao Felippe and Dr Carol Bussey Please join me in congratulating Dr Igor Felippe and Dr Audrys Pauza for receiving NZ Heart Foundation Fellowships and project grants and  Dr Carol Bussey for obtaining a Heart Foundation...
High Impact paper

High Impact paper

Pan X, Muir E R, Sellitto C, Jiang Z, Donaldson P J, and White T. W,  published a paper entitled, ‘Connexin 50 Influences the Physiological Optics of the In Vivo Mouse Lens’. Dr Wilson Pan, in collaboration with researchers from the Department of Physiology (led by...
New staff

New staff

A warm welcome to Lisa Cotton, Professional Teaching Fellow in Mammography from the Department of Anatomy and Medical Imaging. Lisa has over 25 years of medical imaging experience in the public and private sectors. She has been fortunate to have experience in MRI, CT...
Staff success

Staff success

Associate Professor Nicole Moreland, together with Dr Reuben McGregor and Dr Natalie Lorenz from the Department of Molecular Medicine and Pathology, as well as Dr Anneka Anderson from Te Kupenga Hauora Māori (TKHM) have been awarded an HRC project grant entitled...
The People’s Choice award

The People’s Choice award

Please join me in congratulating Samuel James, a winner at the ISHR meeting.  He presented at the ISHR Student Investigator finalist session and was awarded the People’s Choice Award for his talk on ‘Cardiac glycogen-autophagy and lysosomal glucose handling are...
Te Rau Hiringa Professional Staff Research Excellence award

Te Rau Hiringa Professional Staff Research Excellence award

Please join me in congratulating Linley Nisbet. Linley is one of the winners of the inaugural Te Rau Hiringa Professional Staff Research Excellence Awards. Perseverance, energy and determination are three qualities demonstrated by the winners of the inaugural Te Rau...