by vmor016 | May 24, 2021 | SMS
Congratulations to, Nour Ghamri and Wouter van Leeuwen, Auckland Cancer Society Research Centre who successfully defended their thesis. Nour Ghamri thesis is entitled, ‘Identification of Determinants of Sensitivity to Duocarmycin Analogues: A Class of Potent...
by vmor016 | May 24, 2021 | SMS
A team from fetal physiology and neuroscience, including Victoria King, Simerdeep Dhillon, Michael Beacom, Benjamin Lear, Christopher Lear, Mark Gunning won the 2021 Velocity Innovation Challenge (social category) prize, from Uniservices & Centre for Innovation...
by vmor016 | May 5, 2021 | SMS
A project ‘Reducing antibiotic usage in people with self-limiting viral illness’ led by Dr Stephen Ritchie and Associate Professor Mark Thomas in the Department of Molecular Medicine and Pathology, with co-investigators Dr Susan Reid, Dr Sandy Thaggard, Dr...
by vmor016 | Apr 29, 2021 | SMS
Please join me in congratulating the following staff and students for their awards from the American Physiological Society for the Experimental Biology (EB) meeting. The Experimental Biology meeting is a very large scientific meeting, with thousands of abstracts. Thus...
by vmor016 | Apr 28, 2021 | SMS
This invaluable book is written by S. Ali Mirjalili and Quentin Fogg is a concise companion to the 9th edition of Last’s Anatomy, the leading anatomy text for trainee surgeons in Australia and New Zealand. The Companion Guide summarises the relevant anatomy...
by vmor016 | Apr 9, 2021 | SMS
Associate Professor Siouxsie Wiles is New Zealander of the Year after explaining the science of the Covid-19 pandemic to this country and sometimes the world. Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern presented the award, 2021 Kiwibank New Zealander of the Year Te Pou Whakarae o...