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Message from Head of School

Kia ora koutou Reading through the accumulated items in the School Newsletter it is clearly evident that 2019 has been another successful year for the School of Medical Sciences. Our staff and students have excelled across the domains of research teaching and...

Dear Colleagues It is hard to believe that we are already half way through the semester and that the Easter break has already arrived. Sadly the mid semester break also signals the end of Associate Professor Jenny Sim’s time at the University of Auckland. In the 5...

Message from Head of School

Dear Colleagues, Well another busy year filled with its share of challenges, successes and farewells is coming to an end. In terms of challenges we survived the last PBRF assessment and await with interest the results of the process in the New Year. On a similar note...

Message from the Head of School

Dear Colleagues, Associate Professor Clare Wall has taken over as Academic Director. She will continue in her role as Head of the Discipline of Nutrition and Dietetics, but will pass on the day to day running of the Dietetics programme to Dr Andrea Andrea Braakhuis....

Message from the Head of School

Message from the Head of School Dear Colleagues, It seems like only yesterday that I was writing a Christmas message for this website and now we are over half way through the first semester! Much has happened in that time including the ongoing success of our staff and...

Dear Colleagues, As we all prepare for a well earnt Christmas break I want to thank you all for your hard work during the year. Yet again the School has had a very successful and busy year. We have continued to deliver on our teaching and research goals while also...