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Message from the Head of School

Kia ora koutou, As signalled in our recent School webinar we are holding a series of Seminars in June to provide opportunities for staff and students of the School of Medical Sciences to reconnect. Loosely themed around the concept of “What I did during lockdown” we...

Message from the Head of School

Kia ora Koutou As semester one teaching draws to a close and the students enter the exam period I think we can breathe a huge sigh of relief that we made it through the majority of the semester with face to face teaching. We intend to use the brief pause between...
Message from the Head of School

Message from the Head of School

Kia ora kotou Well what a year 2020 has been. As we prepare for the Christmas holidays, and hopefully a better year in 2021, I think we can all reflect on a job well down amongst the extraordinary backdrop of a worldwide pandemic. I think everyone should be extremely...

Message from the Head of School

Morena whanau, Welcome to week two of our new normal. As we start our second week of online learning I just wanted you all to pause and consider what you have been able to achieve in an very short time for our students and their learning. Transferring to online...

Message from the Head of School

Kia ora koutou, Happy New Year and welcome back to what I am sure will be another busy and productive year. I trust everybody had a relaxing holiday with their friends and family and ready to start the new academic year. However, before we start the teaching year we...

Message from Head of School

Kia ora koutou Reading through the accumulated items in the School Newsletter it is clearly evident that 2019 has been another successful year for the School of Medical Sciences. Our staff and students have excelled across the domains of research teaching and...