High Impact Papers

High Impact Papers

Christopher Lear, Joanne Davidson, Georgia Mackay, Paul Drury, Robert Galinsky, Josine Quaedackers, Alistair Gunn and Laura Bennet have published a paper entitled ‘Antenatal dexamethasone before asphyxia promotes cystic neural injury in preterm fetal sheep by inducing...
Administration Matters

Administration Matters

SMS PBRF Graduate Publication Assistance Programme The School of Medical Sciences actively supports its students and in particular those completing PhD study. SMS twice yearly (June and December) reviews applications from supervisors of SMS twice yearly (June and...
Lab of the month- Davidson Group!

Lab of the month- Davidson Group!

This edition we are featuring the Davidson Group, as our laboratory of the month! The Davidson Group conducts research in the fields of embryonic development and stem cells with a focus on the kidney. While historically they have used zebrafish to investigate kidney...
School Retirements

School Retirements

A series of morning (not mourning) tea celebrations have been taking place in the Department of Anatomy and Medical Imaging to mark the retirements of Associate Professor Mervyn Merrilees, Professor Martin Wild and Professor Louise Nicholson. Merv has been a member of...
New Appointments

New Appointments

New Appointments We welcome Bruce Rattray, who was recently appointed to the permanent position of Group Services Manager for the Schools of Medical Sciences and Pharmacy. Bruce comes to us with a wealth of experience having worked in central student administration...