by nall486 | Nov 23, 2018 | SMS, SMS - this issue
Dr Kathryn Burns, from the department of Molecular Medicine and Pathology recently attended the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) -Translational Cancer Research for Basic Scientists Workshop (Boston, Nov 2018). Only 45 participants from across the world...
by nall486 | Nov 15, 2018 | SMS, SMS - this issue
Richard W Naylor, Hao-Han G Chang, Sarah Qubisi and Alan J Davidson published a paper entitled, ‘A novel mechanism of gland formation in zebrafish involving trans differentiation of renal epithelial cells and live cell extrusion” Read the paper
by nall486 | Nov 15, 2018 | SMS, SMS - this issue
A school forum will be held on Friday 23 November at 3 pm, Room 505-011. The 2019 School Budget and Technical Service Review and will be discussed at the forum. The implication of the allocation of a percentage of FTE buyout earnt on externally funded research grants...
by nall486 | Nov 14, 2018 | SMS, SMS - this issue
Congratulations to Rachelle and Angela who were awarded the SEED grant. They look forward to enhancing the learning experience of their students using the grant. Of the 26 grants awarded, two were made to the Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences, both Rachelle and...
by nall486 | Oct 4, 2018 | SMS - this issue
Congratulations to Dr Nikki Moreland on receiving the Cure Kids, special out of round project grant Title – Novel Diagnostic Markers for Rheumatic Fever Value – $170,954