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Postgraduate Success – August

Postgraduate Success – August

Congratulations to Venkatesh Vaidyanathan for successfully defending his thesis – ‘Genetic and Genomic Technologies and Survival from Prostate Cancer’  – supervised by Professor Lynnette Ferguson and Co-Supervisor Dr Anower Jabed and Nishi...

Dear Colleagues, Firstly, thank you for the messages of support following the announcement from the Dean that I have been re-appointed as the Head of the School of Medical Sciences for another 5 year term. As part of the re-appointment process I applied for, and was...
High Impact Papers – July

High Impact Papers – July

Congratulations on these high impact papers recently published. Paper 1 – ‘Association of the HLA-B*53:01 Allele With Drug Reaction With Eosinophilia and Systemic Symptoms (DRESS) Syndrome During Treatment of HIV Infection With Raltegravir’. Published by Mark...
Postgraduate Success – July

Postgraduate Success – July

Congratulations to Rebecca Playne for successfully defending her thesis – ‘Investigating the application of human induced neural precursor cells for generating dopamine neurons in vitro’. Supervised by Supervisor Associate Professor Bronwen Connor and Co-Supervisors...
Grants Awarded – June/July

Grants Awarded – June/July

Health Research Council / HRC Health Research (Project) Associate Professor Alan Davidson, Molecular Medicine & Pathology ‘Kidney organoids, Modelling Kidney injury and preclinical drug testing’ $1182356 Dr Justin Dean, Physiology ‘Targeting IGF-1 Signalling For...