From Left: Dr Kathrine Jones (past PhD student) and Professor Bronwen Connor
Butland Teaching Awards 2020
Congratulations to Professor Bronwen Connor on receiving the Butland Award for Excellence in Research Supervision. Bronwen’s excellence in postgraduate research supervision is demonstrated by the timely completion of 17 doctoral students since 2001; 12 as primary supervisor and 5 as co-supervisor. She has also supervised 27 MSc and BSc/BBMS Hons students to completion with all put one receiving First Class Honours.
Bronwen has mastered a balanced approach towards research supervision that amplifies individual strengths through encouraging intellectual independence whilst providing well-structured support when needed. This approach provides a solid foundation which allows early career researchers to establish confidence and understanding in their potential as a researcher and where this may best be utilised. Overall, Bronwen believes the opportunity to act as a supervisor for a doctoral student is a great honour and is a role she treats with dedication and respect.