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Recent publications from Dr Rajshri Roy’s research team have been published in Q1, high impact journals in 2024. The first two publications lead by SMS PhD student Jessical Malloy examines a social media health promotion programme for young women, leveraging Instagram for lifestyle interventions. The second paper lead by Dr Roy and SMS Masters of Health Sciences student Alshaima Alsaie, explores vegetable-centric cooking practices in young adults, emphasizing sustainability and cooking skills. Finally, the fourth publication lead by SMS PhD student Xingbo Li assesses food availability in a Chinese university, particularly focusing on healthier options and the food environment.

Malloy JA, Kemper JA, Partridge SR, Roy R. Empowering Young Women: A Qualitative Co-Design Study of a Social Media Health Promotion Programme. Nutrients. 2024; 16(6):780.

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Malloy JA, Partridge SR, Kemper JA, & Roy R. Co-Designing a Social Media Health Promotion for Young Women: A Study Protocol. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 2024; 23.

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Roy R, Alsaie A, Malloy J, Kemper JA. Sustainable Culinary Skills: Fostering Vegetable-Centric Cooking Practices among Young Adults for Health and Environmental Benefits—A Qualitative Study. Sustainability. 2024; 16(2):928.

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Li X, Wang H, Manafe H, Braakhuis A, Li Z, Roy R. Assessing food availability and healthier options in an urban Chinese university: a case study using the Chinese Nutrition Environment Measurement Survey for Stores (C-NEMS-S). BMC Public Health. 2024 Jan 2;24(1):15.

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