Congratulations Xiaoxi Fu on being awarded a prize for best oral presentation at the NZACRES Conference. She was awarded the winner of the Post-Graduate Student “Lightning Round” and received a HP Aero G8 Laptop prize sponsored by CodeBlue. Her presentation title was “The Effect of Prebiotic Food on Sleep Patterns During Complementary Feeding in First-Year Infants”.
The New Zealand Association of Clinical Research (NZACRes) 2023 conference featured a Lightning Round competition, challenging presenters to deliver concise presentations consisting of no more than five slides within a five-minute time limit, followed by a brief two-minute Q&A session. This unique format encouraged researchers to distill the key highlights of their work and articulate its significance concisely.
From a pool of postgraduate students who had submitted abstracts for consideration, five were selected to present at the conference. These chosen students were granted full attendance for both days of the NZACRes conference.
Xiaoxi is currently pursuing her PhD in Health Sciences within the Department of Nutrition. Her research is conducted under the primary supervision of Professor Clare Wall and secondary supervision of Dr Amy Lovell. Xiaoxi’s doctoral project is one of the secondary objectives of a double-blinded, randomised control trial known as The Seeding ThroUgh feediNg Study, or The SUN Study.
This study aimed to recruit 300 infants from the Auckland Region and is part of the National Science Challenge, High-Value Nutrition, Infant Priority Programme-Tranche Two. Her research focuses on exploring the impact of prebiotic-rich food on sleep patterns during the first year of infancy, as well as investigating the effects of introduction to solids on infant sleep patterns. Xiaoxi is a recipient of a PhD stipend from the High-Value Nutrition program.