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Thank you to everyone who attended HealtheX 2023 on Friday. Congratulations to the below winners who were awarded prizes. The winners,their project titles, departments, and primary supervisors are listed below.

Maurice and Phyllis Paykel Trust Best Elevator Pitch Award – $1000

Brooke Hawker, Department of Pharmacology

Project title: Utilizing 3D hydrogels to promote survival and maturation of directly reprogrammed human-induced oligodendrocyte precursor cells

Primary Supervisor: Dr Amy McCaughey-Chapman

PCRN Excellent Abstract Award x5 – $200 each

Lieke Burgers, Department of Pharmacology

Project title: Transplantation of directly reprogrammed striatal precursor cells into a rat model of Huntington’s disease

Primary Supervisor: Professor Bronwen Connor

Alice McDouall, Department of Physiology

Project title: Erythropoietin improved recovery of brain activity after mild hypoxia-ischemia in the term-equivalent fetal sheep

Primary Supervisor: Associate Professor Joanne Davidson

Brooke Hawker, Department of Pharmacology

Project title: Utilizing 3D hydrogels to promote survival and maturation of directly reprogrammed human-induced oligodendrocyte precursor cells

Primary Supervisor: Dr Amy McCaughey-Chapman

Benjamin Prince, Department of Physiology

Project title: Examining structural plasticity within human heart neurons and its role in Atrial Fibrillation

Primary Supervisor: Professor Johanna Montgomery

PCRN Non-Doctoral Oral Presentation First Runner Up Award – $700

Caitlin Macrae, Department of Nutrition

Project title: Inhibiting insulin signalling for weight loss in obese female mice

Primary Supervisor: Associate Professor Troy Merry

 Pacific Clinical Research Network Best Non-Doctoral Oral Presentation – $1000

Sophia Bebelman, Auckland Cancer Society Research Centre

Project title: Redefining the role of the arylformamidase enzyme in immunosuppressive tryptophan catabolism of cancer

Primary Supervisor: Dr Petr Tomek

Auckland Medical Research Foundation Outstanding Emerging Researcher & Best Doctoral Oral Presentation Award – $1000 + $3000 AMRF Travel Grant

Jess Kelly, Department of Pharmacology

Project title: Novel Generation of Three-Dimensional Brain Spheroids Using Direct Cell Reprogramming.

Primary Supervisor: Professor Bronwen Connor