From left:  Lisa Wong and Anthony Davies 

Congratulations to Anthony Davies and Lisa Wong from the Department of Physiology.

 Lisa Wong, is a Research Operations Manager, Manaaki Manawa & Pūtahi Manawa
She has been instrumental in the development of both Manaaki Manawa – The Centre for Heart Research and Pūtahi Manawa – Healthy Hearts Aotearoa New Zealand Centre of Research Excellence (CoRE). Her work was essential to a successful bid and then the subsequent implementation and establishment of this new CoRE. She has played a major role in bringing together numerous groups of people, engaging with primary health providers and stakeholders including coordination of all heart researchers (academic and clinical) across Aotearoa New Zealand.

Due to the extremely high quality of submissions this year making it very difficult to pick just two winners, the selection committee has also introduced a highly commended category for this year.

Anthony Davies, Teaching Technician is awarded a Highly Commended certificate for his leadership in changing the traditional role of the teaching laboratory technician to meet the strategic objectives of Taumata Teitei, and specifically for: developing and embedding Tikanga Māori into our teaching cultural environment.