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From Left: Anna Krstic and Sanaz Vakili

Please join me in congratulating Anna Krstic and Sanaz Vakili for defending their PhD thesis.

Anna Krstic has been placed on the Dean of Graduate Studies List in recognition of her excellent work with her PhD thesis. This award is a great achievement, as it is only presented to a few recipients each year from the many doctoral students who complete their theses. She also won the Mary Bullivant prize at the MedSci Conference.

Her thesis was titled, ‘Investigating cardiomyocyte structure and calcium fluxes in hypertrophic heart disease’. She was supervised by Dr Marie Ward and is co-supervised by Dr David Crossman.

Sanaz Vakili’s thesis was titled, ‘Understanding the role of CREBRF R475Q variant in increased BMI and decreased type-2 diabetes risk in Māori and Pacific people. She was supervised by Professor Peter Shepherd and co-supervised by Dr Kate Lee.