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It is a pleasure to announce that Dr Beau Pontre will be taking up the role of Interim Medical Imaging Programme Director upon AP Jenny Sim’s departure in April. Beau has been involved in the development and delivery of postgraduate medical imaging courses over many years and has been a critical member of the team during those years. Beau will do a great job in this role and will lead the team in medical Imaging whilst a new Programme Director is sought through an international search. I am very grateful to Beau for taking this new role on.

In addition, I am pleased to announce that Mrs Tracey Pieterse will be taking on the role of Medical Imaging Undergraduate Coordinator as the main point of contact for students and staff in the undergraduate MI arena. I am very grateful to Tracey for taking on this new role.

Finally, a special thank you to Jenny Sim who has worked tirelessly to see these programmes come to fruition. I will more formally thank Jenny in due course but it is an appropriate time now, as we appoint Beau as the new interim Director, to say thank you Jenny for your hard work and dedication to leading the MI programme at the UoA.