• Cancer Society of New Zealand/CSNZ Research Grants Programme
    Francis Hunter, Auckland Cancer Society Research Centre
    Use of CRISPR screens to discover genetic vulnerabilities in NRAS-driven melanoma


  • University of Otago/BRNZ
    Hinemoa Elder, School of Medical Sciences
    Mātauranga Platform and Māori engagement


  • Debora Young, Pharmacology
    Evaluation of a GluN1 antibody-based immunotherapy for reversing cognitive decline associated with ageing


  • Maurice and Phyllis Paykel Trust/MPPT Project Grant
    Cherie Blenkiron, Molecular Medicine and Pathology
    PathNote: a novel app to annotate valuable tissue bank samples


  • Cancer Society of New Zealand/CSNZ Training Scholarships
    Cherie Blenkiron, Molecular Medicine and Pathology
    Tumour heterogeneity: a patient-specific multilayered investigation


  • Cancer Society of New Zealand/CSNZ Research Grants Programme
    Alan Davidson, Molecular Medicine and Pathology
    A new role for the Wilms’ tumour suppressor 1 gene in cancer


  • Auckland Medical Research Foundation/AMRF Kelliher Charitable Trust
    Brie Sorrenson, Molecular Medicine and Pathology
    Genetic factors and beta-cell function: Determining the role of Shank3 in diabetes