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Venkatesh Vaidyanathan, Nishi Karunasinghe, Vetrivhel Krishnamurthy, Chi Hsiu-Juei Kao, Vijay Naidu, Radha Pallati, Alice Wang, Khanh Tran, Prasanna Kallingappa, Anower Jabed, Syed M Shahid, Jonathan Masters, Clare Wall, Ajit Narayanan, Lynnette R Ferguson published a Research Letter entitled ‘Aggressive prostate cancer incidence in New Zealand—“united we fall, divided we stand”’

Prostate cancer is an important health burden to the healthcare system of any country. However, with the current prostate-specific antigen biomarker having low predictive value even for diagnostic purposes, the challenge is still open to tackle this chronic disease. There have been a number of studies which have indicated and encouraged a multi-directional approach to combat this disease. They have been carrying out a multi-directional approach in order to identify certain New Zealand-specific factors which may be drivers for this cancer and its aggressive forms. These have be explained in further detail in this research letter.

This Research Letter is the summary of a number of research articles published by the extended group of researchers who are working directly related to this study and associated with reporting the findings. They believe that these findings may have a broad impact on the overall diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer in our local population, and thus have published this summary in a local, well-read journal from the New Zealand Medical Association. The first author, Venkatesh, brought the various co-authors- ranging from molecular researchers, statisticians, dieticians, and urologists together for this manuscript.

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